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  • Overview
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Plenary Speakers
  • Agenda
  • E-Poster Submission
  • Sponsors
  • 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
  • MaRS Discovery District, 101 College Street, Toronto

Toronto General Hospital Research Institute (TGHRI) is excited to announce its annual Research Day, to be held in person on Wednesday, October 30, 2024. This year’s theme will be Cardiovascular Research.

This event is a celebration of TGHRI achievements in basic and clinical research and is an opportunity to promote interdepartmental collaborations among researchers. TGHRI Research Day is open to all TGHRI Scientists, Clinician Scientists, trainees and staff. In addition to the keynote presentation and presentations by TGHRI Scientists featuring their ongoing research, participants will learn about the ongoing research at TGHRI through trainee poster presentations. As in previous years, the first round of poster judging will take place prior to Research Day. TGHRI faculty and leadership team will grade the posters and audio presentations online. The highest ranked presentations will be asked to give a 1-min flash presentation of their work during Research Day, and the winners will be presented with an award. Posters and audio presentations will be available for online viewing starting October 14. Please see the agenda tab for details regarding the in-person poster presentation schedule.
Important Dates: 

Now - Sept 27:
Registration open

Aug 15 - Sept 20:
VoiceThread website opens for e-Poster and 5-min voiceover presentation submission.  The e-Poster template can be found here.

Sept 20:
e-Poster and 5-min voiceover presentation submission due

Sept 23 - Oct 11:
VoiceThread website opens for poster judges to evaluate work

Sept 27:
Registration closes

Oct 11:
Poster judges' evaluations due

Oct 18:
Selected 1-min flash presenters notified

Oct 14 - 31:     
VoiceThread website opens to all viewers

Burkhard Ludewig 

Prof. Dr. Burkhard Ludewig
Head, Medical Research Center at the Kantonsspital St. Gallen
Head, Translational Cardioimmunology at the University Hospital Zurich

T +41-71-494 1090

Burkhard Ludewig is currently acting as the head of the Medical Research Center at the Kantonsspital St. Gallen, Switzerland, and as head of Translational Cardioimmunology at the University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland. His research interests are focused on the interaction of viruses with the innate and adaptive immune system.

Furthermore, his laboratory has established preclinical models to study stromal cell function and the pathogenesis of myocarditis. He is affiliated with the Life Science Faculty of the University of Zürich and serves as an affiliated PI of the Zurich Life Science Graduate School. His research is supported by grants from the European Research Council (Advanced Grant), the Human Frontiers Science Program and the Swiss National Science Foundation.

The main work on the topic of this presentation includes:

Please follow instructions in the powerpoint slides to submit your e-Poster.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024 - 08:00 to 16:00